4.9 (2,659 reviews)
Based on 2,659 verified reviews, renters rated Neighbor's service for finding self storage units in Moreno Valley 4.9 out of 5 on average
Gerardo T.
Riverside, CA
May 4, 2023
Verified Review
Abraham S.
Fontana, CA
Mar 30, 2022
Verified Review
Matt S.
Yucaipa, CA
May 13, 2023
Verified Review
Hunter C.
Ontario, CA
May 5, 2024
Verified Review
Chris C.
Menifee, CA
Dec 20, 2021
Verified Review
Alexander M.
San Bernardino, CA
Jun 6, 2024
Verified Review
Now showing 1-6 of 2,659 reviews for Moreno Valley, CA
Average distance of units is 1.2 miles; 25% are within 0.5 miles.
50% of units feature Drive Up access; 10% have security alarms.
Average price is $198; most affordable is $68 for 5x5 unit.
Search your zip code:
Lowest price $24, average response 9.8 minutes, and average distance 9.8 miles.
Prices range $24-$157 with 62% of units under $100.
Most common size is 10x5 feet, averaging $62 and 10 miles distance.
Average price for 200 square feet units: $184. Closest units 3.4 miles away.
58% of listings have security cameras. 75% of listings are indoor.
42% of listings are Garages. Typical response time under 30 minutes.
Average price for 5x5 units: $62. Lowest price: $53.
All units have outdoor access. 80% of units offer Drive Up.
Closest units are 1.8 miles away. Average distance: 4.2 miles.
Traditional facilities
Traditional facilities
Wide variety of sizes
Wide variety of sizes
Lowest prices
Lowest prices
Highest safety rating
Highest safety rating
Protection plans
Protection plans
Nationwide availability
Nationwide availability
Verified hosts
Verified hosts
Manage rental online
Manage rental online
10×10 | 10×20 | 10×40 | |
Average storage facility Moreno Valley, CA | $153 | $238 | $321 |
Neighbor 52 storage spaces nearby | |||
Life Storage Moreno Valley, CA (1 miles) | $177 | $283 | -- |
All Size Self Storage Moreno Valley, CA (1 miles) | $160 | $240 | -- |
SuperStorage Moreno Valley, CA (1 miles) | $170 | -- | -- |
Compare the pros and cons of renting from various storage unit options, including drive-up and interior units
Enclosed drive-up storage units, like garages, have an outdoor entrance
75% of storage spaces in Moreno Valley have security cameras as an amenity provided by the host
Indoor spaces like vacant offices or residential rooms offer increased protection
In Moreno Valley, 75% of listings do not have stairs leading to the storage space, allowing for easy access
Indoor storage units that allow vehicles provide protection over outdoor parking
Residential indoor parking in Moreno Valley is typically a similar price to surrounding areas
Although Neighbor usually features the most cost-friendly, most secure, and nearest self storage, traditional self storage companies may also be another choice for self storage in Moreno Valley, CA.
If you'd like information about traditional storage facilities in Moreno Valley, CA, look at the below list for more information:
Neighbor is the world’s largest storage marketplace. Call for rates or search online for the cheapest, closest, and safest storage units.
(844) 448-0855