4.8 (57 reviews)
Based on 57 verified reviews, renters rated Neighbor's service for finding outdoor RV & Camper storage in South Park 4.8 out of 5 on average
Average rental price is $174 per month; 75% are under $150/month.
Typical space size is 30 to 70 feet long, 10 feet wide.
67% have fast host response time within 3 minutes; 33% offer camera security.
Lowest price starts at $39/month, 41% of listings offer first month discount.
Average price $57, mostly outdoor unpaved lots, 50% within 8 miles.
Typical size 20x10 feet, average response time 2 hours, outdoor uncovered.
Average RV storage distance is 6.4 miles, with lowest at 4 miles.
33% of listings respond within 3 hours or less; quickest response in 13 minutes.
80% of listings are outdoor uncovered and 50% offer first month discount.
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All listings boast an average rating of 5 stars.
100% of reviews rate the storage spaces highly.
Respond times are within 12 hours for all top hosts.
Average price of driveway storage is $61, with 7.6 miles distance.
Unpaved lot storage averages $1,190, offering first month discount.
Hosts respond within 13-18 minutes on average.
Traditional facilities
Traditional facilities
Wide variety of sizes
Wide variety of sizes
Lowest prices
Lowest prices
Highest safety rating
Highest safety rating
Protection plans
Protection plans
Nationwide availability
Nationwide availability
Verified hosts
Verified hosts
Manage rental online
Manage rental online
Class A Motorhomes
Outdoor storage
Due to their large size, outdoor or covered storage is often necessary to accommodate the length and height of Class A motorhomes.
Class B Motorhomes
Indoor or outdoor storage
Class B motorhomes, with their compact size, can often fit into indoor storage with height and length restrictions.
Class C Motorhomes
Outdoor storage
Class C motorhomes typically have a size that only allows for outdoor storage options.
Travel Trailers
Indoor or outdoor storage
The storage needs of travel trailers can vary depending on their size. Smaller travel trailers can often fit indoors, while larger models may require outdoor storage.
Fifth Wheels
Outdoor storage
Due to their taller height and substantial length, fifth wheels generally require outdoor storage arrangements.
Toy Haulers
Outdoor storage
Similar to fifth wheels, toy haulers typically necessitate outdoor storage due to their larger size.
Small Campers
Indoor or outdoor storage
Small campers, being more compact, can often fit into indoor storage units with size restrictions.
Pop-up Trailers
Indoor or outdoor storage
Pop-up trailers, also known as folding campers, typically have a collapsible design that allows for easy towing and storage. They can often fit into indoor storage units.
Truck Campers
Indoor storage
Truck campers, designed to be mounted onto a pickup truck bed, can usually fit indoors which helps protect the camper from the elements and provides added security.
Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Search the nation’s largest storage marketplace to find convenient outdoor RV storage near you.
See more outdoor RV storageCompare the benefits of uncovered outdoor RV storage, covered outdoor RV storage, and indoor RV storage
Outdoor storage on residential or commercial properties, such as driveways & unpaved lots
Covered storage is typically slightly more expensive than uncovered storage in South Park
Residential & commercial carports offer an additional layer of protection for your RV
Nearby cities have a similar amount of hosts that are part of our Top Host program compared to South Park
Indoor RV storage units offer additional protection but can come at a steep price
Enjoy savings as hosts offer first-month discounts on many indoor RV storage spaces in your area
Neighbor is the world’s largest storage marketplace. Call for rates or search online for the cheapest, closest, and safest storage units.
(844) 446-0746