Neighbor Sheds business planner

Discover your potential self-storage earnings based on your location, number of sheds, and their size.

Estimate earnings

Business planner template

Our user-friendly Google Sheet template guides you through the essential factors that go into investing into sheds for self-storage. From budgeting to city-level earnings projections, we’ve got you covered.

Business planner →

Good value sheds

Two of the most popular storage sizes in metro areas, these sheds are affordable entry points to help maximize your earnings.

  • 6'x4' Sloping Roof Storage Shed →
  • 6'x6' Outdoor Storage Shed →
  • Mat for flooring →

Resources for shed assembly

Don’t want to build sheds yourself? Save time and hire local help via Thumbtack or Angi.

Start your Neighbor Sheds business today!

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